People and Culture:

Great Companies Use Culture to Improve Performance

Lou Gerstner, ex CEO of IBM who led one of the most successful business transformation in history once said “Culture is everything”. Peter Drucker famously said “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. How do you deal with culture in your company? Wherever you have it in writing or not, your company culture exists. Great companies do not let their culture grow by accident– they have a great culture by intention.

How important is corporate culture in your company? Where do we start in defining our culture? Is there such thing as the right or wrong culture? How do great companies use culture to improve performance? Let’s hear and share your culture story with us.

Come and Join us at People and Culture Workshop
Date : Thursday, 20 December 2018
Time : 14.00 – 15.30
Venue : PT. BSC Indonesia
Palma One 8th Floor, Suite 806
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2 No.4
Jakarta 12950

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